1/2 Scale Bogie Team - Week 8, July 17 - July 21

In this week, half the half scale team attended an Ansys training session to learn more about how to use Ansys fluent and get an insight how running fea and other simulations on the suspension and bogie system on CAD. Due to the lack of time and the internship slowly coming to a close, an fea simulation might be used with just solidworks itself

For the bogie system itself, there some more mechatronics issues early on in the week, as the hall effect sensor was sometimes reading a magnet when a magnet was no where near it. There was also a problem with a relay not turning on sometimes. At the end of thursday we were finally able to get the steering to work on both bogies. Both bogies are finally finished and work successfully. There may need to be some minor tweaks to make sure they both function properly without breaking in the same places or even new ones before putting them on the track. Next week will be testing the code a couple more times then placing it on the track. One of the highschool interns is in charge of making some mounts for the stuff for the electronics on the wooden plank.

A used bicycle came in from the SJSU police department, and Ryan is working on making a makeshift testbed that would demonstrate how a a bicycle brake would be implemented on the bogie if someone were to do it in the future.

Fig. 1
Both bogies having steering tested
